
AI can replace human in many ways. Yet, nothing can replace you in being you.


16 Floor, Sebang building

Gangnam, Seoul

South Korea

Hello, I’m Drew. Welcome to my blog! I’m an AI researcher based in Seoul, South Korea, with a passion for technology, music, and gaming. I’ve been living in Korea for over 4 years now.

A bit about my career, I have pursued a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from KAIST. Currently, I am working as an AI researcher in Seoul. I am dedicated to exploring the possibilities and applications of artificial intelligence in various domains. Through my work, I strive to contribute to the advancement of technology and its positive impact on society.

I can speak English pretty well, as well as a little Korean (I know, what a shame 🥲). I love rock, a huge fan of Imagine Dragons I would say. I am also a Hylian, and a resident of house Ravenclaw.

On this blog, I will be sharing my thoughts, insights, and experiences related to AI, technology, photography, and gaming. I hope to provide valuable content that sparks discussions, inspires creativity, and fosters a sense of community among like-minded individuals.

Join me on this exciting journey as we explore the fascinating realms between the artifitial intelligence and reality!

Here is a random cat image for your dopamin 🐱

Random cat


May 17, 2023 Join me at SLEEP 2023 conference in Indianapolis, IN, USA, where I will be presenting my latest research on the new AI model for real-time OSA detection. The conference will be held from June 3 to June 8, 2023.

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selected publications

  1. Real-Time Detection of Sleep Apnea Based on Breathing Sounds and Prediction Reinforcement Using Home Noises: Algorithm Development and Validation
    Vu Linh Le, Daewoo Kim, Eunsung Cho, and 7 more authors
    Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2023