
General Information

Full Name Le Vu Linh (Andrew Le)
Date of Birth 04th November 1996
Languages English, Vietnamese, Korean


  • 2014 - 2019
    Bachelor of Automation and Control Engineering
    Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
    • CPA.
      • 3.3 / 4.0
  • 2019 - 2022
    Master of Science
    Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
    • Master's degree at School of Electrical Enginerring.
    • CPA.
      • 3.8/4.3


  • Mar 2022 - Present
    AI Researcher
    ASLEEP Inc.
    • Key member of AI Research team, in charge of:
      • Initiating and developing breathing sound-based neural network, including single task, and multi-tasked models.
      • Writing journal papers with Medical Professors, published two journal papers of IF > 7.0.
      • Collaborating closely with back-end team to serve pyTorch models with ONNX Runtime, saved additionally 30% of inference cost.
      • Developing AI side SDK that serves AI models on mobile devices.

Professional Skills

  • Pytorch
    • Proficient
  • MLFlow
    • Proficient
  • Onnx/OnnxRuntime.
    • Proficient
  • English
    • Proficient

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Photography, Boxing, Gym.